Thursday 19 September 2013

IF25 Post 1: Media Impact

IF25 Post 1: Media Impact

The affect of mass media is astonishing; one might even go as far as saying it’s mind-blowing. Within the past decade social media users have exploded. Mass media can be said to have a negative impact on our society and has said to be positive in many cases. A lot of people are lazy, don’t have the necessary funds and/or aren't interested in finding out information on their own. From my personal experience I get bored on a regular basis and use mass media to entertain me. Being that as it may I don’t necessarily choose what to be entertained by. I go on websites and watch TV shows that choose that for me.
                Growing up in a time filled with mass media keeps you up to date with worldly occurrences, but is that a good thing? Anybody anywhere can post whatever they want on the internet which is definitely a beneficial when regarding cries for help.  An 11 year old Yemeni girl ran away from home after being forced into a marriage with an older man. Without the use of mass media her word wouldn't have gotten very far. In this instance it helped get the word out and hopefully gave others hope who are in the same situation. We hear about stories of forced marriages in America but never hear the opinion of the individual affected by this. Her story hit me and hopefully sunk in to other viewers.
                The world of mass media changes the way society thinks about several things. Television is one of the worst resources because of the non-realism and how they want it to come off as real. I’m not talking about sports but rather the shows that are forced upon us filled with violence and sexual content. I understand that I wouldn't watch a show if it wasn't entertaining but they change the way I think about many situations. I used to watch a lot of TV and it imprinted a way of life that isn't possible. It got me, personally, to have the wrong impression on a happy, constructive family. Shows are here to entertain and hopefully get the viewer lost in the story and forget about real life, the only problem is that they’re not (99% of the time) a real family or real story but rather actors portraying what we want to see. Of course that’s only one type of TV show (family comedies) but what about the violence splashed across entire channels? For the most part they don’t make violence look like a good thing but it makes us aware and in the mindset that violence happens all the time. Criminal Minds for example, has a graphic murder scene in every episode and every commercial. It’s an escape from real life into a life that’s entertaining, but even worse than our own. Even sexual content can leave men thinking of women as objects if their favorite character is the typical womanizer. Smoking cigars and drinking scotch is extremely harmful for your health, but if influential characters in your favorite program are doing it and you have enough money, the person may think why not. And personally I've never met a real life scotch drinking, cigar smoking millionaire but think it “cool” from TV shows (sadly enough I don’t have enough money to follow in their footsteps though).
                Mass media has ups and downs but it’s here, and it’s here to stay. Its replacing the need to travel and if used correctly can make any person cultured but it can also be one of the most demolishing weapons in the world. Assumptions can be posted and once viral is thought to be true. All that influential kids using the internet, watching TV and listening to the radio need to know is “don’t believe everything you see, read or hear”.


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